Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Yellow! I have decided to play a song called "Anew" for my piano recital. Its going to be hard for I have broken my hand. On Tuesday I was in a lesson with my coach and I was practicing my double Salchow, (Try saying that 1o x fast!) I kept falling, due to just learning the jump, and I kept falling on my left hand and after the 13Th time It began to swell up and I went to the ER. Henceforth broken. So what a bummer! Well I did get one good thing out of the whole thing: A DOUBLE SALCHOW! YEA!
As you can tell I am pretty happy! Well God Bless!


Friday, November 30, 2007

Hello, Hello, Hola!

Hola!!! Sorry its been a while! Been really busy with skating, school, holidays, work, and church. Really nothing going on, I have a piano recital in 2 weeks, lots of practicing! Skating has taken a new fast track. I am now landing my double jumps, that means preparing to compete at new levels. Also real busy with christmas play, directing is not easy!! Work is still a ton of fun! I love working with the little guys at the rink! Anyway thats about it! See ya!


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Good Morning George, How are you?

As you can tell by my title, somehow, I don't know exactly how, that certian veggie tale song has gotten into my head!

Anyway, been real busy! Last night we had a buch of people from the church come over for a movie night to watch "Amazing Grace". I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I have seen it 3 times and own the DVD and I could watch it over and over again. From a scale 1-10, I give it a 100. hehe.

Well so, I have to get ready to leave to go to work, and then I have a skating practice. So tata!

Katelynn :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I am very sorry I have not posted in a while: Busy.

I dont know what to post.......ok I got it! These are the names I love and plan to name my children:



There Wierd I know But I still like them!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mr. Interesting

By request I will describe this very "Interesting" person I met. Well actually it was not the first time I have met him. I first met him when the McEntire family came to my skating show. (Now remember the McEntires are the family that's kids are like my little brothers and sisters. The kids names are Gabby, Naomi, and Josh.) So at my show Mr. McEntire brought his parents, who were visiting from New York, to the show also, and his parents brought Mr. McEntires cousin with them. So this interesting person is the cousin, I will not say his name instead I will refer to him as Joe. So anyway Joe immediately for some unknown reason found that he liked me alot, and no offence and I have to say it, but he is a big NERD! lol. Anyway he said to me like ten times in the 5 mins I saw him "You were ecstatic Katelynn" and not only did he say it he said it like three inches from my face. Creepy! Anyway Joe and the McEntires and my mom went for a quick walk around the fair while I got ready for my next show. And my Mom said Joe did nothing the entire 30 min walk except drill her with questions about me. So anyway me, my mom, and Mr. and Mrs. McEntire thought this kind of funny and joked around about it (they think he is nerd to), and I thought I would not have to see him for a while. Well my bad. Last Sunday as I came down from Sunday school and there he was standing in the sanctuary. I ran all the way back upstairs to were Mrs. McEntire was and said "You could have given me a warning" She immediately knew what I was talking about and said "I thought you knew!" I was like "No!". So anyway I had to go to service and after service we had fellowship dinner, and he sat with me, Katherine, Emily, Jacob (my bro), and a boy named Coy. And Joe sat the entire time and named science facts, and even showed us how he can put his leg behind his head. Nuff said about that lunch! Anyway after lunch he followed me everywhere but I was nice to him and talked to him but it was kind of annoying. So in the end this "interesting" person was very INTERESTING! I hate to spread rumurs but belive me its true!


Monday, October 22, 2007

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost,
but now am found,
Was blind,
But now I see.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed!

Thro' many dangers,
Toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

And when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

Whaen we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days,
To sing Gods Praise,
Than when we've first begun.
John newton, 1779


Sunday, October 21, 2007


Do you like the colors or should I go with a red, white, and blue theme?

Today I..........

Hello! Today I went to church and met a very "interesting" fellow (Katherine and Emily you know who). nuf said. Anywho nothing really going on...... Tomorrow I am going to go to my moms work, then go to work then skate.... and that's pretty much it... boring I know! :) Anywho thats it sorry it was so boring. :) Write soon!

Got Faith?


Saturday, October 20, 2007


Hello everybody! I am sooooo sorry I have not written in a really, really, really long time. :) Whats new with me? Good Question! Well lets start were I left of last time I posted....

This year for the first time in my entire life I am going to a school. Its a Private multi-family-co-ap school, it is run like a real school. We have school uniforms, rules and all kinds of teachers. I have two classmates in my class, which means there is a lot more pressure because the teachers don't have so many students to check on. I go to school 4 times a week from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Also I have the highest grades in the school, except for one test! I love School!

This year I am also teaching and working at the ice rink. I teach three times a week. I teach the 2-9 years old kids. Sooooo cute! I love teaching the one thing that I have been commented on is how patient I am with the students, there are a lot of teachers who don't have the Patience for it. I love it!

The lat time I posted I said I had fractured my foot. At the time I thought I did, but we later found out from X-rays that I was born with my right foot fractured. Bazaar I know! But I found out yesterday that I am not allowed to jump on or off the ice for 2 weeks, for I have a uncommon ankle disease which has only been seen one other time before and according to my doctor he saw the other person who had it and mine is way worse than the other persons. So basically I have to stay off my foot for 2 weeks to see if the pain I am having goes away. If it does not, which he says there is a 95% chance that it will not go away, then he will do a surgery in march on both feet to remove the bone that is causing the disease. Very scary, but it is all in the Lords hands.

Well anywho this weekend I am going to a lady's retreat in PA. I cant wait!
Katherine and Emily are coming to, which will make it extra fun!

Well That is all I have to write and I will post again hopefully soon!

:) KaTeLyNn DuNlAp

Thursday, August 2, 2007


OK I am soooo sorry that I have not written in forever! last week was fair week, well actually not a week, more like ten days. Anyway we had my Skating show Everyday and had to ride in the parade Every day, quite frankly I am sick of the fair, especially after doing are skating show 28 times in a row. Also the last day, right after our last show, I fractured my foot. We go to the doc tomorrow, so please pray for that. We also get to go to Katherines dinner party tomorrow.

Well anyway we spent the ENTIRE day at the beach, with Coy and his family, that was fun. Anyway nothing new! See ya!

Monday, July 9, 2007


Well sorry my last post was so boring. This morning we went to the skating lesson then went to the mall, then we came home and I went on a cleaning frenzy. I cleaned almost every room and everything! Well now I am bored as you can tell as I sit here and rambel on, on,on,on and on. Anyway I most go to babysitting, that should be interesting. *Sarcastically*


Peek-a-boo I see you!
(Inside joke, Katherine and Emily)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Me Goofing around on the Ice

Left :Me in midair of a double Loop
Left Below: Me Doing A Hold foot Beelmen

Left: Me Fell

Above: Me doing a split on ice

Hello, Peoples!
Waz up! REALLY boring weekend! Exept my dads boat with its brand new motor was stolen right from our dock! My dads really sad. He loves fishing. Anywho, we have to get up at 5 am for a skating thing. Why the rinks have to make it sooo early just blows me away!
Anyway sorry this is soooo boring!

Friday, July 6, 2007

All About Me!!!

About Me:
Full name: Katelynn Breana Dunlap
Height: 5"5
Weight: 115
Hair color: Blonde
Real Hair color: Uh... Blonde
Eye color: Green
Birthday: April, 10, 1993
Grade: 9Th
Age: 14

Drink: Sweet Tea
Ice Cream: All
Sport: Ice skating and baseball
Channel: Fox
Actor: Don't have one
Memory's: To many to name
Candy: Yeah! Candy! I love it all!
Show: 24, Hannah Montana, phsyke, law and order, ice skating shows
Animal: DOGS!
Day of Week: Sunday
Month: All
Season: I like winter because of skating, but i love spring!
Holiday: Christmas
Movie: Oceans 13, lord of the rings T., fly boys, Nacho Librea, Napoleon Dynamite, and tons more!
Actress: Don't really have one but i do sorta like Dakota Fanning.
Song: Right now..... I am obsessed with Grease music and Hannah Montana, and Rascle Flatts
Flower: roses
Book: Bible
School subject: Grammar
Favorite Word: Discombobulated
Pizza topping: Peperoni and cheese
Type of food: ITALIAN!

Friends That are the most:
Craziest: Coy
Sweetest: faith
Prettiest: All
Smartest: Katherine
Girliest: Shelby
Easiest to be grossed out: Shelby
Honest: Jacob
Trustworthy: All
Blondest: Totally
Sporty: Vanessa
Non-Sporty: Katherine and Emily (they are just not into sports, no off..)
Animal lover: ABBY!
X-zanga nerd: A What?
Funniest: POPPOP!
Drama Queen: Sara D.
Flirtiest: Shelby
Shyest: Elizabeth
Trendiest: Alexandra aka Alex
Boy/Girl Crazy: Shelby
Best dancer: Faith
Best Singer: Joe and Rhonda
I am most like: Alex
Lives the closest: Elizabeth
Lives the farthest: Gabby
Foot obsessed: Don't know
Show-Off: Definitely COY
Friend I have known the longest: Christina
Friend I have known the least: Darian
My 1st best friend: Emily
Still is: Yes
Friend moved away: Devon
Friend I miss the most: Devon

Friend That will most likly to be a :
Teacher: Katherine
Be on the radio: Jacob
Stay at home mom: Emily and Katherine
Live life on the wild side: Mike
Famouse: Jacob and Ariana
Fall in love before 20: Devon
Sport star: Jacob, Coy, Faith, Ariana, me!
Not go to collage: Christina and Shelby
Get married twice: I hope no one! But prob Christina
Telemarketer: Alissa
Friend forever: All I hope
Loser: No one...
Bussniess person: Emily... Kidding!
Help people: Brittany P.
Die before 20: No one I hope!

The last time I:
Cried: A looooong time ago!
Yelled: An hour ago at the puppy... he did somthing he is not allowed to do in the house...
Smiled: A minute ago
Changed: Laat night... yes I am still in my PJs.... Its saturday common!
Worked out: An hour ago... Skating exercises
Played a board game: 4 months ago???
Went to the mall: 2 weeks ago
Ate fast food: Yesterday
Went to church: On Sunday
Went to the movies: 2 weeks ago... Oceans 13
Talked to someone: 20 mins ago


Sunday, July 1, 2007


Cool, about our new web page! Its! If you want to take part in the site just let me know and ill give you the info! That was really corny was in it! lol.

Anywho, please pray for our church as it goes forward in getting a new church building. Also pray for Christina as she is going thru some very bad situations. I really do hate to say it.


Saturday, June 30, 2007


Me and me bro are going to start a blog, which is all about quizes, contests, jokes, and having fun! If you want to make it a go just comment your vote

Friday, June 29, 2007

I Cant Wait!

I can't wait till the fair! I usally hate the fair but this year I get to do the skating show, and we get bracelets, from the fair board, they are going to give them to us because we are doing the show for free. With the Bracelets we can do everything for free. Which is soooo cool, becaues usally when you go to the fair you have to empty out your bank account, its so expensive. lol. Anywho the Yankee game was suspended in the 8th inning due to sooooooo much rain, we were drenched! it was alright because the games only have 9 innings. But the game score was 8 to 6 Yankees winning! They will finish the game on July 27th.

Also My blog title Means I Came, I Saw, I Conquered. I wrot that because of my skating comps. and thats what I do. Come, See, and try to Conquer.

Me right sooon!


Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Yellow! Tomorrow we go to a New York Yankee baseball game! Those who do not no us, we are crazy about theYankees! I think that my brother is there number one fan! The ONLY shirts he wears are Yankee shirts exept on Sundays he wears a differnt shirt to church but when we come back from church what does he put on? A Yankee shirt! As a matter of fact he is wearing a Yankee shirt right now! Ask Katherine and Emily they will tell you its true. Anywhoo I cant wait till the fourth of July! We get to do a skating show at the Green! Its like a bunch of buildings laid out in a square and in the middle is just a huge field of grass and on the 4th they have a bunch of concerts and shows, and this year we get to do our show in the middle of the green! I am sooooo excited. Well I will write later!

Here are the answers to that quiz:

1. McDonalds

2. Wendys

3. Subway

4. Taco Bell

5. Home Depot

6. Wal-Mart

7. Chick-Fil-A

8. State Farm

9. US Figure Skating (I knew you guys would not get this one)

10. Olay

11. Quiznos

12. Ford

Sola Scriptura,


Sunday, June 24, 2007

"The 12 Question Quiz" quiz

Figure out these store/resturaunt logos:

1. I'm Lovin it

2. Do what tastes right

3. Eat Fresh

4. Think outside the Bun

5. you can do It we can Help

6. Always Low prices

7. We did'nt event the Chicken just the chicken Sandwich

8. like a Good NEIGHBOR______ is There

9. Be among the Elite

10. Love the Skin your In

11. M'M'M Toasty

12.Built ___ Tough

You Figure it Out!

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Yellow! It my new yo and hello mixed up, and a W at the end to make it like the color! Strange I know but thats just me! :)

Nothing much this week just teaching skating lessons to the most adorable little girls ever! There all between the ages 2-7 and they are all soooo cute! Its hard though because three of them have the same name, and you know what name it is? Yep you got it, Katelynn! That makes it really confusing! Well right now I have nothing to do exept stare at the computer and eat ice cream. Me REALLY hyper!!! That and listen to my brother watch the most annoying show in the world, Spongebob, and my dad is trying to figure out how I can eat soooooo much and stay so small. Well I'll write later!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007


We will have many commands in our life but we must rember the most important Command:

Love the Lord with your heart, soul,
and mind
And love your nieghbor as


Prayers and Praises!

Sooo.... Do you like the new colors???

First off, I am soooo excited I started teaching skating lessons at the rink yesterday! I get my very first paycheck next week! I had to fill out a time card yesterday that was...well...interesting. I am just so happy that my skating coach is also my boss.

Well anywho back in the on earth.... My brothers surgery went o.k. they had to shoot pins in his arm with a nail gun looking thing, and when they shot the pins in they went in wrong and they had to pull them back out again, and shoot in new ones. OUCH! Please pray for him as he recovers, but it is all in the Lords hands.

Pray for my Dad for he has found out that he is a diabedic, and that the blood in his legs is not moving, but they gave him meds and the blood is know moving, also praise that the doctors found out that blood clots moved thru his heart and lungs and he survived, with is un usal when something like that happens. So praise for that for it is by only by Gods grace he is still with us.

Well I must go, if it is the Lords will I will write sooooon!


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Poor Jacob!

Friday was a long day!!! After our 5:00 appointment in Wilmington, we came home after a trip to the Wilmington mall, and Jacob brake his wrist in two places, and we had to rush him to the hospital. He will under go surgery tommorrow, because they could not fix his wrist. So please pray for him. If you are wondering how he broke it he was throwing a ball up in the air outside and he fell backward and put his hand back and twisted and then it snapped. *Shutters*. So please pray for him, so his pain will be small after his surgery.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Welcome back Estes family!!! We missed you!

Anywho, tommorrow I have a skating lesson in Wilmington (if you dont know its about an hour and a half drive from were I live) the lesson is at 7:45 in the morning! We ahave to pick up my cousin at 5:45, so I have to leave my house at 5:30, meaning I would have to get up at 5:00, In the MORINING, and I am not an early bird! So pray for our trip tommorrow, for my mom being tierd and driving on the highway at 5:30, is not a good combo. Also me being so tierd and being on skates lets hope I dont run into the wall. lol. But its all in the Lords hands.

Anyway, on top of that I have brand NEW skating boots (Got them on tuesday). If you have ever seen the movie Ice Princess welcome to a skaters reality, Blisters, cuts, blister, cuts, and did I mention blisters?

Well anyway I better go, since I have to get up so earily. I am yawning already.

Sola Deus and Sola Christus,


Thursday, June 7, 2007


Story Continued...

"Yaks!" said Jacob
"Yes thats all you do yak,yak,yak!" Coy replied
"Nuh-uh!" yelled back Jacob
" This is what your doing, this is what you need to do!" Said Coy in a sassy way
"Speaking of yaks." Katelynn said to herself walking across the mountain until she stopped short. The mountain went straight down. Jacob and Coy were completly, and kept walking, until:
"Whatchout!" Screamed Katelynn
Coy stopped short but Jacob went traveling down the hill
"Jacob!" yelled Coy down to him, as Jacob was rolling down the hill "Stop"
"Coy he is rolling down the hill at full speed, and your going to ask him to stop!" said Katelynn to Coy acting quite worried.
Coy and Katelynn jumped down the ledges trying to get to Jacob. When they reached the bottom they found.....

To be continued........


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Dunlap Family Vacation

All of the storys from the Omnibutt blog, will be moved to here until the next school year! Thanks!

"Common Jacob!" Lets get going Mom and Dad are sooo worried.
"How do you know?" replied Jacob
"There our parents!" Katelynn replied with a playful shout
"Good point." sJacob
"Common you two, yaks, lets head down stream." Said Coy interuppting the other two.

I am sooo sorry I have to go I will finish on Thursday!

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Pleas pray for:

1. My dad as he is still having serious medical issues with his legs and blood clots.

2. The Estes family as they travel to Texas.

3. Friends salvation.

4. For the safty of all the travelers that have come to Delaware from all over the world to see the NASCAR championship races. And for there salvation.


Fishing with an Estes

Sorry, I have not written in a while. We have to run a phone line from our computer to the telaphone, and our new puupy, Giambi bit a bunch of holes in the wire and it would not work.

Anyway been really busy with skating practice, (we have three shows on saturday), finishing school, babysitting, and the everyday stuff.

Also fishing. In case you did'nt know we live on a big lake, and on thursday, Abby (Katherine and Emilys little sis) and her dad came over, (Her dad had to fix our Hot-Tub) and Abby wanted to go fishing. So me and Abby, Jacob (my bro), and Brittany(my lil cousin) all went out in the boat. It was soooo funy, Abby has never been in a boat and she was not afraid at all! She tried leaning to one side to make the boat go on its side, she wanted to pick up a turtl out of the water, (I think it was a snapping turtle.) she wanted to touch or pick up everything, and eventually convinced me to let her steer the moter, we almost crashed into the dock. :)
It was really interesting!

Well Write later! (If Giambi is a good boy!)


Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Spiderman 3, was awsome it was the best out of all the spider man movies. It also leaves the ending open, so that theres going to be a Spiderman 4. "Are we done yet" was actully, suprisingly funny! In a cheesy way. Anywho I give Spider Man a 4 star, and "Are we Done Yet" a 3 star.

Sowho notin much goin on, had skating practice to day, and Omnibus, *yawn, well write l8er!

$ Katelynn

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Congradulations to Gabbriel McEntire! 2007 Delaware State Balance beam Champion! Also, she was a:

Beam: 1st place State champ

Vault: 2nd place State champ

Uneaven Bars: 2nd place State champ

Floor: 5th place state champ

She was competing against 6 other girls. She also Qualafies for the USA Gymnastic Nationals!
Way togo Gabby!

Anywho yesterday we went to Gabbys Gym comp. In case you did not know Gabby is a girl who goes to are church she's 7, and she has two other sibilings they are Naomi, 9, and Josh, 5, they are practically my brothers and sisters i see them almost everyday and they even call my parents Uncle Shawn, and Auntie. Its because we have known them since Naomi was like 2.

Anway, we are getting ready to go to the drive-in theaters, and see "Spiderman 3", I cant Wait, and "Are we Done Yet!" it looks pretty funny! Well I am sorry I have not written in a while had computer troubles.

Well G2G!

~Katelynn a.k.a Ice Princess

Friday, April 27, 2007


What do you think of the new colors?

Heyo! (Hey+Yo)

Sorry I have been on and off with my posting. Been sooooo busy with show practice, ballet, dance, school, church, and refreshing-up on my gymnastics for the skating show! As you can see sooo busy! Anywho, Today I went to the doctors with my mom, she had some appointments. Yawns..... No school today! Yay! Sowho I went up to the next level in skating yesterday because I got an Axel and a double flip! Yay! My friend (Brittany) that I skate with, and alternate teaching lessons with, is going to be in collage next year, this will be her last show, and skating at the rink. Evan though I have only known her for 11 months because thats how long I have been skating, and I am really good friends with her. Soooo sad.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


On tuesday we fond out are parts for my skating show. First I will tell you the story of the show:
Theres a papa farmer, mama farmer, and little farmer. The papa and mama Farmer win a vacation to..... Las Vegas. The papa farmer gives the little farmer the key to the farm, while the parent farmers at Vegas, the little farmer throws a huge beach party with all the animals. The parents come home to find the farm trashed! The name of the show Cowabunga! Its the Fair what can I say.

The parts I got were a Vegas Show girl, a chicken, the farmers nighbor, and a dancing/guitar playing/cha-chaing potato! Ahhhhhhh! I also have another part where I do a gymnastics rutine on the ice with my skates on I get to do cartwheels, handstand, backhandsprings, ect.... We (Me and my coach, who is the director) have to figure out what part that will be.

Well see ya!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


So sorry I havent posted. Been sooooooo busy with practices for the skating show. Today I went to my brothers Opening-Day baseball game, at the little leuge they were honoring a girl named Amanda Haxton, she was in a car accident and is now paralized from her waist down, please pray for her and her salvation. Well nothing really new, sorry..... Write soon!

Monday, April 9, 2007

To Glorify and Enjoy Him

Q. What authority from God directs us how to glorify and enjoy Him?

A. The only authority for glorifying and enjoying Him is the bible, wich is the word of God and is made up of the old and new testaments.

Our primary purpose is to glorify God and to enjoy Him. But how do we do that? Where can we find out how to do it? The only one who really knows how to glorify God, is God himself. He is the only one who can tell us how to glorify Him.
God could have spoken to us in any way He chose. He has chosen to speak to us through His word, the bible. Everything we need to know about God in order to glorify Him and enjoy Him is found in its pages. If we were to ask someone how to glorify God or if we were to look it up in a book other than the bible, we could not be sure we were getting right information. But we can trust the bible because it is the word of God, who is never wrong. Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

I Dont Covet...

Many times I have heard people tell me they dont covet, here is a true example, once I was at a skating comp. and a friend and fellow skater of mine, told me that she had only coveted once in her hole life, I immedietly told her that we covet tons of times every day. A few moments later me and her were walking and she saw a girl with a very pretty skating dress on. my friend turned to me and said "I wish I had that dress! Its beutiful" I immediatly took the opertunity to show her that she had just coveted. She was amazed at exactly how many times we covet every day! Put this to thought and think about it the next time you desire somthing!


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Quiz!!!

I have had a couple requests to do this quiz on my blog!

1. Grab the book nearest to you turn to page 18, line 4, what does it say: Find the missing number: B x 3 = 15 (Its my bros math book)

2. Reach out your arm as far as you can and what can you touch: A piano

3. What was the last thing you watched on tv: American Idol

4. With out looking what time is it: 5:04

5. Now look at the clock what time is it actualy: 5:01, pretty close

6. With the exeption of the computer what can you here: Nothing its very quite, *shivers

7. When did you go last outside, what were you doing: About two hours age when I came home from the vet and walked from the car to the front door.

8. Before doing this survey what did you look at: Emilys blog

9. What are you wearing: Sweat pants and sweat shirt

10. did you dream last night: I dont think so.

11. When did you last laugh? About 20 mins ago when writing a story with my bro

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in: books, tv, pictures, a picture of a monkey, oh wait thats just jacob, Ect.

13. Have you seen anything wierd latly: Yes, Da omnibutts blog

14. What do you think of this quiz? fun

15. What was the last film you saw: Movie wise, blades of glory

16. if you became a multi-millionare overnight what would you buy: A new building for the church and PHC, a new house for my grandparents(for there other house is destroyed, and I am not sure..

17. Tell me something about you that I dont know: i have never broken a bone in my body, and I have never sang in public(not including at church)

18. if you could change one thing in the world what would it be: maybe abortion

19. Do you like to dance: on skates

20: comment to George bush: I dont know....

21: Your first child is a girl, what would you call: Talk to husband

22. your first child is a boy, what would you call it: same as above

23. Would you ever consider living abroad: Yes!

24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gate: i dont know...

25. Three people that must do this quiz on there blog: Coy, jacob, and um... dont know

Well there you go!



Training Hearts and Teaching minds

Q. What is mans primary purpose?

A. Mans primary purpose is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.

What happens when you use for a purpose other than its real purpose? For example, what if you wanted whiter teeth, so you tried to brighten them up with white sho polish? Would it work? Of course not! Sho polish is for shoes not teeth. What would happen if you put marshmellows in the toaster? You would have a terribal mess or a fire, because a toaster is for toasting bread not marshmellows. Things work best when we use them for the purpose they were intended.

God had a purpose in mind for human beings when He created them. God intended for people to knpw and enjoy Him. Rocks and trees and kittens cannot enjoy God- but people can!

Read Psalm 16:11. This verse describes the joy and the pleasure people have in God when they live according to there purpose God has for them. Some people live as though thier purpose was to have a good time or make a lot of money. People like this are never satisfied. They find that the joy of fun times or having new things wears off. That is because they are not living according to the purpose God has for them. When we live to enjoy God, we are doing what God made us to do and our joy in Him will last.
By, Starr Meade


Monday, April 2, 2007

Elsie Dinsmore

Please Read:

Little Elsi sat sadly looking at her dear papa laying on the sofa on sunday afternoon, his face was pale and sad looking, she had been his constant nurse all day, making sure his every desire and request was granted. Even though Elsi was only eight she loved the dear lord with all her heart soul and mind. She also loved her dear papa. Elsie sat for a very long time looking at him, until she wisperd in an uneasy voice to him:

"Papa, may I read to you?"
" Yes my daughter." said her papa tierdly

Elsi jumped up and ran to the mantal and picked up her dear little bible wich she cherished more than anything. After about an hour of reading to him, her papa said,

"Thats quite enough now darling, please go over to my desk and pick up my novel, and read a chapter or two to me, please." he said kindly
"Oh, papa I cannot!"cried Elsie
"Elsie"her papa said sternly "you must always do as I permit"
"But papa it is the sabbath!" She said almost in a whisper
"Your point" he said crossly
"Papa, the bible says to not speak or do anything that is not glorifying to him on his day!" she said with a quiver in her voice
"Elsie, I will not have a rebelliouse child in my sight, for the bible tells children to honor her parents, you must leave my sight until you can come to me and say that you always obey me in everything that I permit!" he said almost in a shout."
"Oh papa no! I will die If I cant be by you! you are my only parent!" She cried
"Elsie I do not want to see you until you do as I permit! I will not break my word!" he said crossly

Elsi ran to her room and wept, for she would never see her papa again, for she could not disobey Gods command, she wept silently and prayed to God that her papa would come to Christ!

Who do you agree with? Elsie or Papa? Comment your answer!


Movie Alert!

Blades of Glory:

I give this movie: O

funnieness: OOO

Appropriatness: O

Non-Appropriatness: OOOOO

Bottom Line: I do NOT recamend this movie!

Comment: It was horrific and stupid! DO NOT SEE IT!


Anywho as many of you may already know at my saturday skating comp. I won silver and bronze, i was a little disapointed, but this comp. was not as important as the championships, wich I won Gold against five other girls from other states. Even though i was disapointed with the Bronze if was Gods will than I am Very happy with it, also it will urge me to try harder next time! Anyway I am very sad that the rink will close next week, but have agreed to do a summer show with the rink, and wil be preforming at are local De, state fair, are local mall, and carnaval, The Cancer group meetings, and a-lot more, it will be fun though to do it with all my skating friends, whom I am constantly witnessing to! I have also been asked to become a figure skating instructure, starting at the beginning of the new season! This August, when the rink opens again! If you are wondering were we are going to get the ice for the summer show if the rink is closed we will be using an ice calle Synthetic Ice wich is not real ice but feels like real ice! Its going to be a loonngg and fun summer! Well sorry if I bored you to death.


Praise the Lord!

Praise God! My dad went to the doctors today and thay said he no longer has to give himself the terribal shots that have really loonngg needles! *Shivers. The doctor also said that the blood clots are not cancer related! Also, he may go back to work on Monday, April 9! Yeah! But please still keep him in prayers, for his blood clots are still there and he has to be very careful that they do not move., and when they are gone, that they do not return. So please keep him in your prayers! Thanks! ;)


Come Ye Sinners

By Matthew Smith

Come, ye sinners poor and Wreched,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore,
Jesus, ready, stands to save you,
full of pity, joined with power,
He is able, He is able,
He is willing, doubt no more.

Come ye needy, come and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify,
True belief and true repentance,
Every grace that brings you nigh.
without money, without money,
Come to Jesus Christ and buy.

Lo! The incarnate God, ascended,
Pleads the merit of His blood,
Venture on him, Venture Wholly,
Let no other trust intrude.
None but Jesus, none but Jesus,
Can do helpless sinners good.

Hope you enjoyed this and bring it to thought!


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Please Pray

Please pray for my dad as he still suffers from many blood clots with one leading to his heart, please pray that God will give the doctors wisdom to find out why he is getting these blood clots, so that they can give him the proper treatments.

Welcome! (cheesy i know)

Hello Everyone! Unlike my other bloggs I promise to update! Why I picked this blogg name:

1. I'm a figure skater

2. My dad cracked me one day by asking me is I wanted to continue to play softball or be an ice Queen, the funniest thing he was so sierious!

3. I'm a princess. kidding. lol

Anywho I 'll post later! Please Visit soon!