Friday, June 29, 2007

I Cant Wait!

I can't wait till the fair! I usally hate the fair but this year I get to do the skating show, and we get bracelets, from the fair board, they are going to give them to us because we are doing the show for free. With the Bracelets we can do everything for free. Which is soooo cool, becaues usally when you go to the fair you have to empty out your bank account, its so expensive. lol. Anywho the Yankee game was suspended in the 8th inning due to sooooooo much rain, we were drenched! it was alright because the games only have 9 innings. But the game score was 8 to 6 Yankees winning! They will finish the game on July 27th.

Also My blog title Means I Came, I Saw, I Conquered. I wrot that because of my skating comps. and thats what I do. Come, See, and try to Conquer.

Me right sooon!


1 comment:

Emily said...

we might come to the fair this year...i'm not sure, though. Hope ya do well in your shows!!