Thursday, June 14, 2007

Welcome back Estes family!!! We missed you!

Anywho, tommorrow I have a skating lesson in Wilmington (if you dont know its about an hour and a half drive from were I live) the lesson is at 7:45 in the morning! We ahave to pick up my cousin at 5:45, so I have to leave my house at 5:30, meaning I would have to get up at 5:00, In the MORINING, and I am not an early bird! So pray for our trip tommorrow, for my mom being tierd and driving on the highway at 5:30, is not a good combo. Also me being so tierd and being on skates lets hope I dont run into the wall. lol. But its all in the Lords hands.

Anyway, on top of that I have brand NEW skating boots (Got them on tuesday). If you have ever seen the movie Ice Princess welcome to a skaters reality, Blisters, cuts, blister, cuts, and did I mention blisters?

Well anyway I better go, since I have to get up so earily. I am yawning already.

Sola Deus and Sola Christus,



Emily said...

hey! hope you had a good time in Wilmington! did you stay awake? i know if i had to get up at 5:00 in the morning, i'd be falling asleep all day! lol

Anonymous said...

wow i hate getting up that early one of my friends does every day cause thats when her dad goes to work and the have bible study together b4 he goes THATS CRAZY!

yeah Ballet is not pretty ether bloody toes and feet! yuck! lol but its worth it RIGHT!?!?!?!